With the advent of social media (#bestlifeever π) the holiday-zation of Memorial Season has intensified. Up until recently (and resuming again this year) JWs we're posting selfies of themselves in their Easter Memorial dress clothes, and during the "pandemic" they were posting pictures of their fresh baked Christmas cookies homemade Memorial bread & wine.
neat blue dog
JoinedPosts by neat blue dog
Memorial invite
by JoenB75 innow they start inviting to their "commemorate the death of jesus" event.
it always makes me a bit sad.
i donβt think i could endure to watch it myself today.
neat blue dog
Stephen Lettβs Favorite Color
by Iamallcool ini just noticed that stephen lettβs favorite color is blue.
he usually wear blue ties but not all the time.
just an observation on my part.
neat blue dog
They published an article in the WT maybe 10 years ago or so, about manipulating people's emotions through colors, and they said blue is inviting and trustworthy or something like that, right around the time JWdotORG was revamped with the new logo.
Administering a Blood Transfusion When Directed by a Superior- Jehovah's Witness Policy
by Ron.W. inadministering a blood transfusion when directed by a superior - jehovah's witness policy effective june 15th, 2018. while the hospital liasion committee elders were instructed that they may inform doctors and nurses of this decision, this letter was not allowed to be distributed to anyone outside of hlc members.. as a result of the concealment of this letter, and by virtue of the fact that this information was only to be shared verbally with jehovah's witness medical professionals and others, confusion erupted across the united states and in other branch offices of jehovah's witnesses.
countless letters were received at watchtower headquarters in new york from concerned jw nurses, paramedics, and others who were instructed verbally on this new policy, but which contradicted existing written policy that had been in effect for many decades.. in addition to letters from witness medical professionals, circuit overseers in the field wrote to the us branch and hospital information desk in new york about the problems caused by this unreleased policy.
for example, south carolina circuit overseer brandon roberts reported to headquarters that "the majority of the nurses in our circuit were not aware of this updated policy.
neat blue dog
What about the one who fits a cannula to the patient ready to take the blood transfusions? Or the porter who brings it to the ward? Or anyone along the supply chain? They all contribute.
This is the slippery slope of legalism. It's a reversion to Judaism all over again, something the New Testament warned against.
Administering a Blood Transfusion When Directed by a Superior- Jehovah's Witness Policy
by Ron.W. inadministering a blood transfusion when directed by a superior - jehovah's witness policy effective june 15th, 2018. while the hospital liasion committee elders were instructed that they may inform doctors and nurses of this decision, this letter was not allowed to be distributed to anyone outside of hlc members.. as a result of the concealment of this letter, and by virtue of the fact that this information was only to be shared verbally with jehovah's witness medical professionals and others, confusion erupted across the united states and in other branch offices of jehovah's witnesses.
countless letters were received at watchtower headquarters in new york from concerned jw nurses, paramedics, and others who were instructed verbally on this new policy, but which contradicted existing written policy that had been in effect for many decades.. in addition to letters from witness medical professionals, circuit overseers in the field wrote to the us branch and hospital information desk in new york about the problems caused by this unreleased policy.
for example, south carolina circuit overseer brandon roberts reported to headquarters that "the majority of the nurses in our circuit were not aware of this updated policy.
neat blue dog
How do JW doctors handle it when in a circumstance where a transfusion is regarded as necessary to be recommended?
Alex Ashley, JW musician & journalist
by neat blue dog indoes anyone know about this musician alex ashley?
somebody told me he was a jw.
i look him up and he has a full beard, but he's hanging with the jazz couple who are in the watchtower chorus, and he's currently doing a tour with nicolas king.
neat blue dog
Does anyone know about this musician Alex Ashley? Somebody told me he was a JW. I look him up and he has a full beard, but he's hanging with the jazz couple who are in the Watchtower Chorus, and he's currently doing a tour with Nicolas King. He also calls himself a journalist and has done pro-JW material about bloodless surgery, one of them for NPR. He has also posted material sympathetic with the liberal media and how it's not fake news. Any thoughts?
2022-03-12--In Person Meetings--Memorial!
by Atlantis in2022-03-12--in person meetings--memorial.. .
neat blue dog
An individual does not have to be vaccinated in order to attend in-person meetings unless it is a government requirement. ... Personal choices regarding vaccination and whether to attend in person should be respected.
Some definite backpedaling here. They were really out of line telling people what to do and I'm sure it was costing them, maybe even causing some to wake up at least a little.
Blood Transfusions & Flood, Questions from Bible student only
by Marbles ini was never a jdubb, only a bible student.
there are two main questions i have.
let me preface that by saying that i do not believe the bible is true, or the word of god.
neat blue dog
1: The scriptures also say to "pour out" the blood when killing an animal because a life was taken. Blood transfusions don't take a life so the whole point is gone. Also, the law allowed selling unbled meat to non-Jews and eating blood if it wasn't possible not too, which also argues against JWs absolute interpretation. The bottom line is, the blood dogma is just one of many, many crazy ideas from Joseph Rutherford back in the day, including vaccines, aluminum cookware etc. but it's the only one they have no choice but to hold on to as so many people have died.
2: You answered your own question; Noah and his family survived, and they were of course descendants of Adam and Eve that were imperfect and died eventually, so sin was passed on as usual.
3: The scriptures say that Noah took in both clean and unclean animals, although this is an anachronism as the law detailing that had yet to be written centuries later.
Back to the Meetings. It's Offical!
by pistolpete inyep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
neat blue dog
The JWs at the Kingdom Halls can ask visitors (the public) to show their vaccination card
That's a great way to lose half of your potential converts which is already shrinking.
Back to the Meetings. It's Offical!
by pistolpete inyep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
neat blue dog
Okay, elephant in the room:
If they are having "public" meetings, then they can't possibly screen visitors for vaccination status. BUT will they still require non-vaccinated JWs to stay home as they are now?
neat blue dog
Hi I'm __________ from __________. Sorry I'm a pimo so that's all I got.